@lovelylovely Author and orator Fran Lebowitz commented similarly on Trump.
Lebowitz thinks the biggest danger of Trump is that he is a moron. “Everyone says he is crazy – which maybe he is – but the scarier thing about him is that he is stupid. You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don’t.”
@GeePawHill I've read that Mel Brooks had that insight too, laugh at them. It's why he often made fun of Nazis in his movies, like the Springtime for Hitler sequence in The Producers.
@br00t4c I've been thinking about this. I call it the blue alliance. Domestic things like economic concerns, health policy, education policy, citizens rights, could be protected in blue (and like minded) states by some coordination.
The blue states, after, should have tremendous leverage over the next WH. They have most of the nation's money.
@deprogrammaticaipsum I did occasionally lament that the creations I accomplished in computer science would be lost in just a few years. Sometimes it made me think I should have followed a math career instead.
But what the heck. I enjoyed what I did, and at least in my working years I was able to elevate the computer use of the organizations where I worked.
@bmacDonald94 Read and learn. I learn a lot here at Mastodon. I'm pretty much a nerd, only well read in my small corner. I'm not very literary, but always willing to be enlightened.
@bmacDonald94 I think it was physicist Steven Weinberg who said that with or without religion there will be good people who do good things, and bad people who do bad things. But to get good people to do bad things you need religion.
@tomiahonen I'm sure you are familiar with Reich's background as former Labor Secretary and public policy professor. I don't believe he says he's a statistics expert, but once a political insider and still an avid political observer.
I follow him for his expertise on some areas of government policy. It appeared to me he must be bothered by the closeness of whatever polls he's observing.
I mostly follow your poll analysis, and observe the fund raising advantage Harris has among small donors and her superior rally sizes, which to me suggest she has an enthusiasm advantage. Reich only mentioned his concern of close polls.
VP Harris had to endure the time advantage Trump got because the moderators succumbed to his bullying, but he couldn't bully her. It was toe to toe and as he flailed as he tried to land made up attacks, she responded with in your face direct, factual attacks.
VP Harris is the toughest opponent Trump has ever been on stage with.
@jeffowski Very well stated. I've thought for a long time that liberals can feel empathy for people they don't even know, and the bubble of empathy of conservatives seems to only envelope folks close to them.
Stargeezer, retired computer scientist/MBA who worked in aerospace engineering and astronomy. Taught in USAF and community college.Our two sons keep me engaged on microprocessor projects and astronomy discussions.Currently participating with spouse of 50+ years in spoiling kindergarten granddaughter. Making progress. Interests:#astronomy#telescopes#amateurastronomy#scifi#software#perl#forth#linux#GnuOctave