Probably the best policy effort for all of our futures would be compassionate emotional education from pre-K all the way through schooling. People need to be taught to dialog, and too much “education” is about keeping still and being led by experts/authorities.
People seem to be raised in tightly closed environments where family traumas get to repeat like Greek tragedies without ever being aired to heal. We learn to lick our wounds in the dark and band together out of fear-fed angers against anyone out there. Too many lives are wasted, piled on the heap, left to rot without feeling wanted or alive.
All the lonely people who cry silently without seeing all the lonely people crying silently who could become happy kin. Have studies been done on peer therapy, like the AA model of sponsors – people brought together with others with whom they can talk anytime 24/7 about what is bothering them, training in active listening, teams so no one person carries too much burden on their time and to bring in wider voices and ways of caring and understanding – kind of like a caring and attentive family?
something more than the absence of war, but including that as well Peace is an attitude of calm deliberation and acceptance of all that is on its own terms with the will to move in a more generally healthy and respectful direction; not lack of disagreement, but lack of disrespect (except for disrespect for the disrespectful)
so sick (in my gut, in my head, in my heart, in my arms) of all the divisiveness. Men can’t understand women. Whites can’t understand blacks. Rich can’t understand poor. Left can’t understand right … That’s why we have language, art, long-term complicated relationships, community projects and festivals and – tell me your story
Hey 3rd party fans, instead of uselessly stumping for POTUS, which you know won’t happen in the current nation, better to expend that energy in your State and local elections where many fewer voters are interested so you are more likely to be triumphant. Imagine all those Green state laboratories to show the world.
This talk of “Court packing” against the Dems when it was McConnell’s GOP that refused to vote in Obama’s judicial picks to leave the slots open for their next POTUS, made a huge deal of not accepting a Dem pick in the year of an election while later insisting on their right to vote in a Trump pick clearly not wanted by the electorate, during the election. The Dems are just trying to find a counterbalance as they well should under the common law decision in Goose v. Gander.
if you abdicate your power of self-rule you will be ruled by the power of the selfish – lose the wings and find the people who have the abilities and values to take back our country but we do need to be realistic in such trepidatious days and vote in the best of who is immediately available, and to play the long game better than those who have been using our abdication against us
The rising prices aren’t set by legislators, the President, the politicians. They are set by the market – you know, what the Right has traditionally insisted our economy be based on.
It’s not an “illegal immigrant” crisis. It’s a desperate refugee crisis, and like inflation, it’s happening everywhere, many places much more so than here, which has been framed wrongly for political gain that makes actual, useful solutions much more difficult to institute.
I open my dreams to you, revealing to me my mind. I take a longer view through your eyes. With you I approach wise. Alone, drawn by the mirror visions arise askew. In amity with you they rotate a’right. Your world shines on mine the grace of light.
..."Before #Helene made landfall, the federal #government placed personnel and resources across the region, ready to help with search and rescue, restore power, and provide food and water and #emergency generators.
The federal government sent 1,500 federal personnel to the region, as well as about 8,000 members of the U.S. Coast Guard and teams from the Army Corps of Engineers” ...
Christ died to save us for our sin of hubris. But how be forgiven while you persist in twisting your own admonitions as Truth, then using this madness as righteous excuse to quell self-expression that you proclaim “sin,” persecuting lifestyles not condoned by your kin. Because truth is, the All Knowing and Giving includes multitudes as exemplars of living.
There is probably no uniting of the “left” and “right” as long as we portray public identifications in this way. I think the point is to get beyond labels, and work on actual projects that are obviously beneficial. My question is: where is the leadership promoting such projects?
Life is a death sentence. We might do better in our thinking to care about quality of life for all of us. As we pointed out in the Women’s movement, both oppressor and oppressee are harmed by oppression. We are all kept from developing our best selves when our energy goes to combat rather than cooperation.
There’s room enough in believing for all of us. Why don’t they want to see that? They’ve only been around for a couple thousand years. In the beginning was way before any of us can remember. At the end we all die, onward to whatever afterlife does or does not await us. The Bokononists, in Vonnegut’s “Cat’s Cradle” believed the world ended when they died. Their world did. Of course, their world was a fictional one created by a human author. So like a god, the artist, creator of worlds.
Don’t worship me! I don’t want the responsibility. Why would a god? Why would a President? What kind of power does it really give them? Well, if we the people and our other representatives aren’t looking, paying attention, expressing our minding, who knows? Maybe it’s not some mythical AntiChrist and Beast. Maybe the threat is much more mundane and RealPolitik. Myth or portent, humanity does need to PAY ATTENTION! We need to understand and believe in our true reality, the world where we live.
Maybe I can sacrifice my ignorance, my unfounded fears, my ill-advised temptations, self-imposed limitations. I sacrifice my weakness in the service of my strength. Sounds lovely. The thing with magick — be oh so careful when wishing that you are ready for the consequent reality after tweaking to magick’s demand. Be careful what you will for; it may become your destiny.