@madeindex@BeAware I went with them (toot.io) because they’ve been in business the longest. We get every little update the day it launches, no tech issues, reliable. I’ve never had to worry about any of the tech stuff. Just get to enjoy being on my own instance. Even if I could have access to the code, I’d want someone who knows what they’re doing to manage that part so I don’t break anything.
I can deal with the trolls and people who take me not having a diagnosis like I personally offended them and committed an injustice. But that’s just nonsense.
Trolls are nothing but an annoying nuisance.
Even without a diagnosis, YOU are valid and don’t let anyone make you feel lesser than because of it. ❤️
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Autistic Bookshop is my effort of compassion. It's a way to directly improve an autistic persons life because money brings freedom, and lots of book sales can make that happen.
If you are interested in self-publishing, complete the author submissions form and I'll reach out to you.
@dekaminski@yourautisticlifehttps://autistics.life is my instance. 🙂 We are a small close-knit community full of lovely autistic people. I am LGBT myself, so definitely accepting there! They are welcome over here anytime. :RainbowInfinity:
My name is Ashley Lauren Spencer. Owner of The Autistic Innovator - a store dedicated to supporting the autistic and neurodivergent community. Also the owner of the autistics.life mastodon instance. #AuDHD #ActuallyAutistic #neurodivergent :AuAce: :Aro: :PinkRainbowInfinity: :aro: