Hi @pfefferle, I'm having problems with the AP plugin. We have a profile (@woxx), but new posts are not posted on the profile. I can make them visible by copy-pasting the URL into mastodon and boosting them, but they don't show up on their own. Any idea what could be the problem? Thanks in advance!
I finally found a #DungeonWorld cheat sheet with an overview of tags. I think they are often confusing (especially range) and the manual only has them in alphabetically order, which adds to the confusion.
Got to see the "who to follow"-thing for the first time. Most people that were suggested are white middle-aged men with tech jobs, so it wasn't very useful.
However, I saw a toot with "follow more people" a few days ago and I still think that's good advice.
Since the registration on wordpress.opg seems to take a little while, I'll ask you directly, @pfefferle
My work is coming to the fediverse via the activitypub wordpress plugin (yay!), but we have a small cosmetic problem: we have a pinned post we use for displaying a gallery plugin, and I'd like not to have that on our profile. But we still use the old wp editor, so I can't find the visibilty-settings of the plugin. Is there a way to do this "manualy" (via custom fields perhaps?) Thanks!
a few months ago, my mother casually dropped that I had mononucleosis as a kid.
and as a teenager, I did not know and lived in fear* of catching it, because I've heard horror stories of people catching it before their final exams and not being able to do them because they had to sleep so much.
(*might be a bit strongly worded, but there was a certain anxiety)
This whole windows 10/11 debacle is so annoying for me. My laptop isn't thaaaat old (I think I bought it 2017) and it still does everything I need it to do. I'm pretty sure the only reason it "can't" run win11 is this TPM 2.0-thingy.
I guess I'll switch to linux during the next 12 months, and I'll need to find a solution (virtual machine or dual boot) for gaming/using InDesign once every few months
Die gemeinsamen Verwandten, die ein tote-Kuh-Burger und ein Parasol-Burger haben, lebten vor 1.300 Millionen Jahren.
Vielleicht wäre es auch etwas sinnvoller, Veganismus als das Nicht-Essen von Produkten und Teilen von vielzelligen Tiere (Metazoa) zu definieren, wenn eins das denn unbedingt so genau definieren will.
Manchmal öffne ich ja FB, und manchmal sehe ich Dinge, die Bekannte von mir posten. Eine solche Person betreibt ein Lokal und veranstaltet demnächst einen Pilzu-Tapas-Abend, den sie als "natürlich vegan" ankündigt.
Jemand fragt drunter "Sind Pilze denn überhaupt vegan?" Eine andere Person setzt noch einen drauf: "Nicht alle, Austernpilze sind es schon mal nicht. Warum Pilze vegan sein sollen, wo sie doch näher an Tieren als an Pflanzen sind, hat mir noch niemand …"
he/him, cis. ~37 years oldjournalism, podcasts, writing.Luxembourg / Vienna. I envy people that are able to write a short sentence as their bio. you are really cool.I like sci-fi, plants, public transport, ttrpgs, lasagna, birds. Thinking a lot about the apocalypse, the climate, monsters and queerness.follow my blog: @soulzeppelinprofile picture by studiomilaa (drawing of a bearded man with glasses - me, colored in a pale pink with blue outlines)