“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.” - Frank Herbert, Dune (1965) Him/Hän.
absolutely.. regarding the new bot behavior, stalking, impersonation, even playing games like chess against you.. why not? These words sound on and on serious and real..
Hackers are now using custom-made MSC files to abuse a known, but unpatched, Windows cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability which could allows them to remotely execute malware or malicious code on target devices.
The Supreme Court of the United States will allow the government to order social media to remove "harmful misinformation” in a move that gives the CIA and FBI the power to censor the people!
@BeAware , full control and dicratorshipping the people is something very bad and evil as a nature. To enforce them and to narrow them to do what the government wants/ say. 🤮
@BeAware , I’m against for examole the following scenario. The AI see me in the night that I’m still not sleeping, as now for example after 1:30 after midnight .. haha and well, automated switch off my network / internet to enforce me to sleep. This for example is an evil interaction, an evil and enforceful bot. But hypothetically is possible. Even I read that in some countries the masses are manipulated to such levels. This is too much..
@BeAware , this is only if you are a criminal. If you are legal and ok.. it shouldn’t be a problem. Some people are just a little kind of pranksters like me for example and that’s all. But this is one. Completely different is to breach the laws. 🙂
@BeAware , and btw the most cool part of this is.. They will put controls, they will put monitoring and enforcements and this will lead us always to seek and find some potential vulnerabilities. Why not? For example to change our devices, to use other VPNs and so on.
So this in the end is a big challenge game. And I find exactly this awesome!
They will truck us, we will trick back. 😀 and so on 💡
but imagine now and the other perspective… there are cases when many people would like to keep their privacy. For example, when I’m talking with someone on not super significant topics but the person insists by some reason to stay anonymous. Then I guess not every single person will would like to be read by 3rd parties non-stop and I completely understand this.
So the question is very opened and not so easy. Maybe not to put backdoors absolutely everywhere. Maybe this should works in some way.
The ai systems will know and will even be able to predict what I’m doimg, what I’m even planning to do or not .. in the last several days, week or more.
Not everyone likes this of course.. but I think that it’s some kind of a power and I like to challenge myself with such kind of a power. To test if this will work and how much. Maybe I’m attracted by this in some way. Like in chess, in one moment to be not sure where to play because you are simply monitored and blocked from everywhere.
Is ut possible to be against and in the same time “for” something? 🤔 I know that sounds pretty wild but I can explain.
For example in some aspects I enjoy a lot surveillance. For example some algorithms who can see in milliseconds that I just dropped a mail in the last previous minute. To read the content fast and to know what exactly I’m talking about. This in some way is cool because illegal stuff can be captured if there is any and not only this.
" I am forced to express my deep concern about the escalation between Israel and Hezbollah along the blue line. The risk of the conflict spreading in the Middle East is real and must be avoided. The people of the region and the world cannot allow Lebanon to become another Gaza ," UN Secretary General said today.
infosec every day btw enjoying to be silent in the network and to find something and to test if I will be detected or not > like #Nordicmusic, #Nordicmythology, #OldNorse, #chess, #camouflagegrey, #darkred, #swimming, #biking, #IT, #infosec , #threatintel , #geopolitics may be not especially in this order