!!! NOTE !!! Switched To Linux is, “written by a broad spectrum computer consultant to help people learn more about the Linux platform.” This account is a supporter of @switchedtolinux and provides convenience posts of thumbnails art, videos and streams.
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!!! NO MARKETING | NO ACTIVISM | NO POLITICS | NO RELIGION !!!| Linux User | Decentralized | Federated || Security | Privacy | Integrity || The brains behind #TehAnKorage || Supporter of FeDisroot & Disroot -> https://www.patreon.com/disroot |SEE ME ON PIXELFED! https://pixelfed.social/i/web/profile/220525812544311296Cylons are coming.Skál!#fedi22 #hashtag #TehAnKorage #AnKorageExtras #QUESTNewHampshire #NewHampshire