We got several inches of snow yesterday and more was still coming down on my drive to daycare. Passed several people on bikes anyways, including one pulling a trailer with a bundled up little kid inside.
We need a movement for conscientious objection to ReCaptchas. I don’t want to be forced to participate in training machine learning models to identify sidewalks, crosswalks, buses and cars in order to go about my daily life digitally.
I don’t want driverless cars on my city streets. I don’t believe the fiction that this technology will ever be safe.
I do not consent to using my own cognitive labor to train the models that will mow down people on foot or bikes later with no accountability.
Does anyone know of an evidence-based guide to avoiding health risks from micro-plastics? What personal lifestyle changes would have the biggest bang for buck, or should be prioritized first?
I'm also interested in learning about advocacy groups focused on policy that reduces plastic - though since a lot of micro-plastics come from tires, maybe that's the urbanism/transit/walkability groups I already know and love? #environmentalism#PlasticPollution
Not defending Facebook but the framing that Meta, specifically, is a risk vector for people seeking abortion in ways that any other internet platform people use to communicate (including this one) wouldn't be is harmfully inaccurate.
Your mastodon instance admin is very nice, I'm sure, but are you _positive_ they're willing to go to jail for you by refusing a subpoena if you've disclosed info in DMs here that could be used against you?
Decentralization doesn't solve this - encryption does.