Reading for the Uncanny Magazine 2024 Favorite Fiction Reader Poll?
Try the short story "The Feast of Baku & the Yume no Seirei" by Cheri Kamei!
You can read it here!
Reading for the Uncanny Magazine 2024 Favorite Fiction Reader Poll?
Try the short story "The Feast of Baku & the Yume no Seirei" by Cheri Kamei!
You can read it here!
Congratulations to Naomi Kritzer! Naomi Kritzer's “The Year Without Sunshine” won the 2024 Fishing Fortress Science Fiction Award for Best International Novelette! You can read it here!
Writers! All of the Uncanny Magazine short story submissions have gone through initial processing. Any remaining stories are with the Editors-in-Chief for their final decisions. Thank you again for your patience as we battled the AI deluge!
New essay! "Growing Up in Fiction" by Yamile Saied Méndez!
WRITERS! PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE!!! Uncanny Magazine IS OPEN to story submissions until September 2 (750-10,000 words)! We can't wait to read your marvelous stories!!
Reading for the Hugo Awards? Try the short story "How to Raise a Kraken in Your Bathtub" by P. Djèlí Clark! It's a Hugo finalist for Best Short Story and won the BSFA & Locus Awards! Read it in the Hugo Award packets or here!
Reading for the Hugo Awards? Try the short story "The Mausoleum’s Children" by Aliette de Bodard! It's a Hugo Award finalist for Best Short Story and a Locus Award finalist! Read it in the Hugo Award packets or here!
Reading for the Hugo Awards? Try the novelette "The Year Without Sunshine" by Naomi Kritzer! It's a Hugo finalist for Best Novelette, a Locus, Eugie, & Sturgeon finalist, & Nebula Award winner! Read it in the Hugo Award packets or here!
Congratulations to R.S.A. Garcia! R.S.A. Garcia's “Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200” won the Best Short Story Nebula Award! You can read it here!
Join the Space Unicorn Ranger Corps! There are many ways to SUPPORT UNCANNY MAGAZINE! Patreon! Subscriptions from Weightless Books! Or just spreading the word!
Please RT! Writers! Uncanny Magazine will be open to Flash Fiction submissions (750-1500 words) from February 19-26!
New story! "A Piece of the Continent" by Marissa Lingen!
If you want to see @lynnemthomas 's thread about Pre-code films and cocktails, as promised for the @UncannyMagazine Year 10 Kickstarter, here's the link!
Also, consider backing us!
The next stretch goal in the Uncanny Magazine Year 10: A Decade of Delightful Defiance @KickstarterRead is including a Flash Fiction story in every issue! If you are enjoying our flash fiction stories, please help us reach this goal to keep them!
Space Unicorns! You did it! The Uncanny Magazine Year 10: A Decade of Delightful Defiance @KickstarterRead reached its initial funding goal! THE WILL BE A 10TH YEAR OF @UncannyMagazine! Let's now reach some stretch goals!!!
Online Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy Edited by Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas. 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2022 Hugo Award Winner.
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