Huh, who saw this coming?
Kremlin Says U.S. Foreign Policy Shift Aligns With Its Own Vision - The Moscow Times
Huh, who saw this coming?
Kremlin Says U.S. Foreign Policy Shift Aligns With Its Own Vision - The Moscow Times
A picture is worth a thousand turds.
That White House farce was simply the most embarrassing and humiliating thing I’ve ever seen. I’m not just ashamed to be an American right now, I’m ashamed to be a human being in the same universe as Donald Fucking Trump.
Does anyone still doubt that both Donald Trump and JD Vance are Russian assets? If so, see a doctor immediately. You could have a terminal brain disorder—or just be stupid.
You may have heard about it. It’s a whole different experience to read it first-hand.
This White House memo was sent to all Cleveland Clinic employees last week. As a Federal contractor (they said), they were required to distribute to all 85,000+ employees worldwide.
Sorry about the quality. It was the only copy available. It’s readable.
In a live press conference with UK’s PM, Trump asked why he thinks foreign governments would pay his tariffs, and he sets a new standard for total incoherence. And will the journalist ask a follow-up? Of course not.
What a shock. Musk gives himself a contract to fix what he broke. We are such hapless suckers. This country is just a humiliating place to live now.
A SpaceX team is being brought in to overhaul FAA’s air traffic control system | The Verge
Face it, folks. Our media problem is as bad as our MAGA problem. And they are both so tightly coupled, we may not be able to solve either one of them without something really bad happening that somehow catalyzes a solution. The total collapse of the United States, for example.
Consistently, Canadians seem better able to observe and comment on our Trump crisis better than American journalists and pundits seem capable of.
Opinion: Donald Trump has restored McCarthyism to America
Serious question: Since the FBI won’t be listening in to Tulsi Gabbard’s phone calls with our enemies, just how is the Pentagon going to feel about discussing our readiness and systems with her? I cannot understand why Democrats are not shutting down the govt over this issue alone? I feel we’re all being betrayed in real time, and just waiting for it all to go sideways. It’s fucking bizarre.
Russia is referring to Gabbard as “Our girl?” This just isn’t real. We live in some kind of matrix simulation, but the programmer has been living on Twinkies, Coke and LSD. We are very, very fucked. #DisruptTheCoup
OMFG, Trump wants congress to pay for a “National Heroes Garden.” Given the shitbags he or his minions will want it in (Bill Graham, Rush Limbaugh, himself), it will be the most defaced monuments garden in history. Bring it!
Which I am also certain why Trump is going after the FBI. Who else can investigate any of the massive wrongdoing past, present and future? The Girl Scouts?
How are we suppose to believe anything the Pentagon tells us now? It’s run by a Fox News host, for fuck’s sake. How do we get out of this? I’m collecting good ideas. So far, I have only something from George Lakoff, and some homeless guy outside a Burger King (“Get off the grid, man!”)
They are dismantling the country, and people who watch right-wing TV think that’s a good thing. This is going to end not in civil war (we haven’t got the weapons), but in complete dystopian meltdown of the biggest superpower in history. They won’t be able to build prisons fast enough to deal with the unrest.
Exclusive: German ambassador warns of Trump plan to redefine constitutional order, document shows | Reuters
Sure glad Trump has gagged the CDC.
Bird Flu Enters a New Phase, Scientists Say
Everyone still seems to be in a trance about all this. Like they’re waiting for their God to straighten it out . That scares me more than anything.
Europe’s Elon Musk Problem - Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic
- No paywall.
I have always though this birthright citizenship was a red herring. They knew it wasn’t constitutional and didn’t care. It was just so we’d not focus on the far worse stuff they are doing like the DEIA move yesterday. It’s astonishing we’re not talking more about that.
Good morning. I hereby declare the period since 2016, the “Rollback Era” of American history, when evil people took control of the American experiment. We should build permanent monuments to them so future generations know why they had to be vanquished. Which they will be. It’s just a matter of time.
I'm @shoq from ExTwitter. Self-appointed evangelist for the #fediverse, working on open source projects that can help it become the communications backbone for the planet that Twitter might have been. #fedi22 #opensource #sidetoolz #USpolitics #liberal #invention Other contacts:,;
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