We're well on our way there, arresting and inditing opposition leaders and their associates. Corrupted political officials, receiving preferential treatment, two tiered justice, rampart coddling of criminals, criminal behavior, out of control government spending, high inflation, high debt and negative trade deficits. Welcome to the USS Titanic, soon to be sitting on an ocean floor near you. #^Whoever Does Not Respect the Penny is Not Worthy of the Dollar
By Nick Giambruno This definitive sign of a currency collapse is easy to see… It’s when paper money becomes trash. Maybe you’ve seen images depicting hyperinflation in Germany after World War I. Th…
EXCLUSIVE: President Joe Biden was allegedly paid $5 million by an executive of the Ukrainian natural gas firm—Burisma Holdings—where his son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board, the confidential human source told the FBI during a June 2020 interview, sources familiar told Fox News Digital.
@creeksidewilly It's as if the bureaucratic, establishment, politicians are attempting to legislate human nature. It's exactly the direction a society with violent men would travel toward. What's surprising, really, is how well the British have kept the illegal importation of firearms to a minimum, since one can almost be sure, that there is a high demand for them, while said British government types, simultaneously, falter at keeping the illegal alien types and violent producers to that same high standard.
Perhaps, they're just being selective in how they apply their customs and I'm praying that one day, the people of that isle, will one day regain their sanity and courage and take their freedoms up. Long story short, they have the ability to lock off the supply of guns coming into England but for some reason, they allow all the violent, lunatics entrance, to terrorize the people whom they have been conditioning to be weak and tolerant, in the face of danger and mortal peril.
@creeksidewilly do they actually ban knives over in England? I thought that, those rumors, were just jokes or the makings of clever memes. I'm not surprised though, chaos and folly, is at large across the globe, therefore, nothing should be too surprising to anyone, least of all me.
One can easily envision the day, when the same people that have successfully demonized plastic straws, will soon have the bright idea that knives and similarly, sharp, pointy, implements must be equally banned for the good of the children. We shall see. #^Children in Critical Condition After Mass Stabbing, Asylum Seeker Arrested
Syrian asylum seeker arrested after man entered children's playground with a knife, three now in critical condition in Annecy, France.
2017: How can we convey " #cyberpunk#dystopia " for the new #BladeRunner Movie? I know, let's have an orange sand storm cover everything! Cool fictional idea!"
A reminder from United Nations climate envoy @GretaThunberg that the world will end in seventeen days due to the burning of fossil fuels.#ClimateEmergency #...
I'm sure that it would also be especially racists of me to point out that this latest deadly bacteria seems timely in the face of the latest round of illegal alien invasion, encouraged by the US Department of Homeland Security and the Washington DC, establishment.
If this isn't biological warfare, indeed, total warfare, on the American people, then this must be love then, for our own good no doubt, whether we like it or not. One is quite sure that the people who pretend that they can't define what women are, who selectively enforce criminal behavior and who are intent on changing the definitions of long established words and traditions, would never lie to us or cause us harm. They love us dearly.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is sounding the alarm on a deadly bacteria that purportedly kills up to 50 percent of people it infects and is now endemic to the US gulf coast.
Yesterday, June 05, 2023, the same organizations are wanting us to now believe that the Russians, have destroyed a dam, which is flooding the areas in which they control. How likely is that to be?
We obviously have to do the investigative work, for ourselves if we really want an accurate picture of the current geopolitical landscape since the deception from the so called free press, is obscured and deeply corrupt.
Embed this noticetechriot (techriot@hubzilla.eskimo.com)'s status on Wednesday, 07-Jun-2023 08:43:03 JST
techriotHow convenient, for the so called, eleven rouge republicans, of the alleged, freedom caucus, that they weren't quick enough to block the out of control spending bill, when it would have mattered most of all. Whatever they're doing, right now, seems to be a pretty transparent means to cover their rear ends, hoping that we who pay attention, will somehow, miss that trick or overlook it. For, if they were really concerned about not negotiating a debt deal, which they now admit, favored the democrats, those votes at that time, should have reflected the image that is being presented now.
If there is one sure thing to be know, it is, that all politicians are very adept, at playing all sides of the angles, lying and covering their backs. We don't believe them. It is the view of many, that, the only institution that is less trustworthy than the congress, is indeed, the conventional media outlets. #^Rogue Republicans Tank GOP Bills To Spite McCarthy
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Republican lawmakers are not letting the gas stove go quietly into that good night, instead planning two votes this afternoon that would keep Democrats from regulating the appliance that found itself in the center of climate crosshairs
Also this Mark Dice video, also broaches the subject and proves illuminating on several levels.
Embed this noticetechriot (techriot@hubzilla.eskimo.com)'s status on Wednesday, 07-Jun-2023 06:28:48 JST
techriotSo, some new arrivals to the United States, have been arrested for harvesting one of the many fowls that many Americans take for granted. It is, one can assume, only a precursor to the future. How long before Americans start hunting for the spots where all these wild fowls hide their eggs and indeed, start harvesting them, in like manner?
If, as many suspect, as one political party, continues to, let us say, fortify elections, that future could indeed be upon us very soon. For, even as the establishment, globalist, politicians, willingly allow millions of illegal aliens to invade our land, they're simultaneously, sabotaging and regulating our food production, in the name of global climate change. Yes, cutting off or limiting access to food, through farming while flooding the land with more people is obviously a good policy for our health, safety and well being. Obviously.#^Fowl Is Fare: Refugees Kill, Eat Swan in New Jersey
Three refugees from the Asian country of Myanmar are facing charges after they allegedly killed and ate a beloved swan in Manlius, N.J.