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How convenient, for the so called, eleven rouge republicans, of the alleged, freedom caucus, that they weren't quick enough to block the out of control spending bill, when it would have mattered most of all. Whatever they're doing, right now, seems to be a pretty transparent means to cover their rear ends, hoping that we who pay attention, will somehow, miss that trick or overlook it. For, if they were really concerned about not negotiating a debt deal, which they now admit, favored the democrats, those votes at that time, should have reflected the image that is being presented now.
If there is one sure thing to be know, it is, that all politicians are very adept, at playing all sides of the angles, lying and covering their backs. We don't believe them. It is the view of many, that, the only institution that is less trustworthy than the congress, is indeed, the conventional media outlets. #^Rogue Republicans Tank GOP Bills To Spite McCarthy
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero