@fediforum@essentialrandom One thing I'd like to discuss is how to bring visibility to those who post less frequently. I wish there would be an algorithm that would sort the timeline so that the less often you post, the higher your posts are sorted.
What would be the easiest way to publish a #webcomic so that it would be on the Fediverse and that would allow readers to read reverse-chronologically (from oldest to newest)?
Is there maybe a #Wordpress plugin for webcomics that is compatible with the #ActivityPub plugin?
(If you don't know, please boost)
I already checked @pixelfed and it doesn't allow for reverse chronological sorting (old to new)
@fediforum I know... but I didn't want to "steal" a 2$ ticket out of someone who needed it more than me 😅 I'm currently unemployed and would have prefered a price in the 10-20$ range.
Je vais assister au @fediforum tantôt et j'ai bien hâte de voir à quoi ça va ressembler. Le Fédivers n'est pas parfait et c'est cool de jaser avec des gens qui veulent l'améliorer!
(dommage que le prix du billet soit aussi cher. Ça limite l'accessibilité de ceux qui en aurait le plus besoin.)
Mes émojis préférés: 😅 😝 👌 ✌️ 🥰 ❤️ 💜 😬🩵soutiens aux travailleu.ses.r du Front CommunFrançais / English#GameDesign #musique #JeuxVidéo, #synthés #p2p #zéroDéchets #idleGames #urbanisme #sieste #santéMentale. Vie avec #anxiété et #TDAH.Alors, quand est-ce qu'on fait la révolution?