@augustocc não estou presente o suficiente pra saber. não pareceu muito diferente pra mim, vi pombagira cigana, exu e tal. a entidade que trabalha com a mãe de santo (que é portuguesa) é um caboclo. (ele me recomendou trabalhar com Ogum, que eu não entendi até começar meus conflitos com nazistas alguns meses depois). ouvi dizer que aqui dá druida tb, mas ainda não vi
I heard that Nicole the Fediverse Chick (Polish girl from Toronto)'s Discord is kinda dead so I I'll join her Matrix room :blobcatsurprised: as soon as I figure out how to join a Matrix room
How to join a Matrix room: - Click link in tusky DM - Get redirected to browser - End up in matrix redirection page in browser - Select your app (official Element app) - Let browser open link in app - Fall in default screen of app with no connection to the room - Paste link in search bar - Edit it to leave only the room name - Get no results - Fiddle a bit around confusedly - Click icon that looks like little squares maybe it's rooms? - Remember spaces was a thing - Mourn the death of the #elillastream space and the ex-gf you still associate with streaming Va-11 Hall-A - Click icon that looks like pencil writing as if you want to compose a message rather than join a room - Click "explore rooms" - Paste the name of the room you saved on step #8 above - Cross fingers - Yay it found the room! - "This room can't be previewed, join anyway?" yes - Go back to the previous screen with no indication of whether you joined or not - Click the pencil writing icon, "explore rooms", paste room name, click it again - Now you're in the room
"elilla& if you hate that Signal is centralised and requires a SIM card why don't you suggest people to use Matrix instead"
new Nicole the Fediverse Chick lore unlocked!! :blobcatsurprised: she has a different photo in the matrix room, and yes it appears to be the same person as in the mass DMs. there's currently some 27 Polish girl from Toronto appreciators, split between default avatars with nondescript usernames, some fedi-coded people mostly with pleroma-y vibes, and a few techies who do real face + government name. I also learned another username she uses: beyorkisan
based on that video clip I am getting this nagging feeling that Nicole the Fediverse Chick is an actual person, and not a stock photo pasted on a scam story as I had assumed. I suppose the photos and clip can be easily mocked up on "AI" these days, but dunno. vibes are different. they feel to me too amateurish, crappy in a human way rather than hallucinatory machine-learning way.
don't get me wrong, this is still sketchy af—I'm seeing admins reporting no less than 70 alts, all sending the exact same "you call can me the Fediverse Chick :D" DMs to their entire userbase. but who is doing this, and why? if it's the type of Chinese mafia long con operation some admins have claimed—why are they targeting Fediverse users of all people? isn't it much easier and more profitable to make friends with older wealthy men on Facebook or X to blackmail them?
as my brain continues to rot I'm leaving open the possibility that Nicole the Fediverse Chick (Polish girl from Toronto) maybe an actual Polish girl from Toronto. if she's able to automate these DMs she's a techie. maybe she wants to be a federated influencer? but how does she post from so many different instances? if only I had a database of Nicole the Fediverse Chick (Polish girl from Toronto)'s accounts, we could check if they're all registration-open or not validated or something, she might have scripted something to both create accounts and mass DM everyone in a misguided attempt to become Fedi-famous? are these from the same IP, are they from Toronto, China, VPN IPs, Tor? I have so many questions, like, does she have some sort of neurodiv lack of understanding that this would make her widely hated? if she's going for reach why the lack of Nicole the Fediverse Chick #content, the abandoned chatrooms, the same identical DM over and over all we get from her? or is she doing this maliciously, as a single-person scam, waiting for gullible marks to DM her back and reel them in privately? is she a Russian honeypot to infiltrate activist networks? is she scientifically designed to look dorky in a way crusheable to lesbians of my disposition in particular? is she into Brazilian women?
even if Nicole is a real person that doesn't discount the "scam mafia" theory of course—she might just be a hired actresses to front the botnet. in which case, are they recruiting, and how much is their cut? Reader, our investigations will continue...
hell how did I never notice this before? she has her putative work address publicly open on her friendica profile. and it seems consistent with the video clip.
now 1) I'm starting to feel like an asshole if all this time I've been sillyposting over an actual person, nevermind the mass spam behaviour, and 2) if anybody lives in Toronto would you please pay a visit to that supermarket, check if Nicole the Fediverse Chick actually exists, and if so tell her to please remove her work address from the Internet before anything bad happens to her? :pleading:
I've investigated Nicole the Fediverse Chick's Friendica instance more up close (one of her instances? does she always spam the same instance?). There's an update from 2 days ago, showing "my dad's office". I think @cmdr_nova may be onto something here: The photo of the dad's office is a video stil. This feels both too deliberate to be just automated, and too strange to be organic. Asshole ex impersonating her? Scam network mining content from leaked videos?
In any case it creates a dilemma: I DM'ed her, but there's no way to know whether I'm DM'ing an evil doxxing guy. Assuming the publicised work address is real, this is probably the best way to warn the actual Nicole, if she exists. I live in another continent so I can't just walk in there, but maybe I can contact the company—though I have to choose my words carefully to not sound like a scam myself, and also not bring problems to (potentially existing) Nicole at her job…
another: troll theory: all of these spaces (fedi, friendica, discord, matrix) are nerdy, specifically the kind of nerd used to evade surveillance. her chat rooms are full of pleroma-type racists. the whole thing may be some sort of elaborate 4chan troll, who has impersonated either a really existing Nicole or some random girl they have video clips of. troll doesn't respond to DMs or contacts but is currently trying to gather more momentum before doing something cringe.
- The same DM has been mass sent from probably over 100 different Fediverse instances, since around Jan 31 2025 to this day. - The DM has some pointedly specific details about Nicole the Fediverse Chick (Polish girl from Toronto, studying pre-health). - The putative university varies (Toronto Metropolitan University, George Brown College). - The DM uses nerd lingo ("Fediverse Chick") and points to several nerdy/non-mainstream social media spaces attributted to "Nicole" (friendica, discord, matrix, stumblechat). - "Nicole" accounts so far have never responded to contacts, or to my knowledge ever tried to scam or bait or even talk to followers in any way. - The chat rooms (discord, matrix) are abandoned. The admin "Nicoles" never post anything. - As of yesterday, my "Nicole" DMs are pointing to a Friendica at namestaci.cz. There are also Friendicas at friendica.world (3 times), my-place.social, friendica.io, poliverso.org. - The Friendica accounts expose a putative work address in Toronto, publicly (!!). - There's many different photos for "Nicole". All appear to be the same woman and not AI-generated. All are very low quality; someone suggested early 2000s webcam photos, but they look more like video stills to me. Many of the photos clearly group together into the same source video, same outfit etc. - The namestaci.cz Friendica posted a photo two days ago, titled "My dad's office. He works in renovation and always has a lot going on." This, too, is low quality like a video still. - The friendica.world accounts have a few dozen photos, most of them seemingly random stills from the videos. (edit: many look like, random or automated/sneak shots from the ceiling or awkward angles etc.) - At some point there were "Nicole" Peertube instances. I've watched one cached video, said to be about "hanging out around work"; it shows probably the woman from the photos, walking in the cold somewhere consistent with the Friendica work address. She was talking in the video, but the version I found had no audio. - At some point there were "Nicole" "live" streams. Reports are that it was some video of the same woman, on loop. - Reportedly, at some point her Matrix room had the topic "I work at the ****. Come say hi sometime! I work in the **** section, so just ask for Nicole!" This has since been removed.
the more I look at this, the more I think it's targeted harassment of an actual Nicole. either by someone she knows like a vengeful ex, or by 4chan-style trolls who got their hands on a few video clips and personal details.
Hi, I'm elilla! But you can call me the Glamtifa Chick :pinkgirl_ayy: I'm a proud Brazilian girl in Germany (41 y/o) I'm currently dropping the Japanese linguistics PhD at [redacted] Universität hoping to get into the armed resistance someday! You can add me on fetlife…
girlfriends break up, anarchists cancel you, children leave the nest, but Nicole the Fediverse Chick will always keep coming for you. whether you want it or not
@Ze_Andarilho não é uma pessoa nem especificamente atrás de brasileiros, é um bot de uma rede de golpes bastante ampla sediada, aparentemente, na China
on the good side, I think I'll manage to take the opportunity of the AWS switch to StackIt to reject *both* Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry and instead run my companies' software in simple VMs running Debian. still not as relaxing as having my own damn servers but I can ditch SaaS and cut 2-3 layers of abstraction in one fell swoop :02smug:
https://pronouns.page/@elillaLatina trans girl immigrant, corrupting Germany with hormones, easy sex, and talking to strangers. Travesti big boob futa milf gf. Silly airhead bimbo who believes in horoscope and gnomes, very harmless, not involved in any sort of antifa actions whatsoever.