>>The Chamber also noted that decisions allowing or increasing hum. assistance into Gaza were often conditional. They were not made to fulfil Israel’s obligations under int. hum.law or to ensure that the civilian population in Gaza would be adequately supplied with goods in need. In fact, they were a response to the pressure of the int. community or requests by the USA. In any event, the increases in hum. assistance were not sufficient to improve the population’s access to essential goods.<<
>>Furthermore, the Chamber found reasonable grounds to believe that no clear military need or other justification under international humanitarian law could be identified for the restrictions placed on access for humanitarian relief operations.<<
>>In this regard, the Chamber considered the prolonged period of deprivation and Mr Netanyahu’s statement connecting the halt in the essential goods and humanitarian aid with the goals of war.<<
>>The Chamber found that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the lack of food, water, electricity and fuel, and specific medical supplies, created conditions of life calculated to bring about the destruction of part of the civilian population in Gaza, which resulted in the death of civilians, including children due to malnutrition and dehydration.<< >>find that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the crime against humanity of murder was committed in relation to these victims.<<
>>In addition, by intentionally limiting or preventing medical supplies and medicine from getting into Gaza, in particular anaesthetics and anaesthesia machines, the two individuals are also responsible for inflicting great suffering by means of inhumane acts on persons in need of treatment.<<
>> Doctors were forced to operate on wounded persons and carry out amputations, including on children, without anaesthetics, and/or were forced to use inadequate and unsafe means to sedate patients, causing these persons extreme pain and suffering. This amounts to the crime against humanity of other inhumane acts.<<
>>The Chamber also found reasonable grounds to believe that the abovementioned conduct deprived a significant portion of the civilian population in Gaza of their fundamental rights, including the rights to life and health, and that the population was targeted based on political and/or national grounds. It therefore found that the crime against humanity of persecution was committed.<<
>>Finally, the Chamber assessed that there are reasonable grounds to believe that Mr Netanyahu and Mr Gallant bear criminal responsibility as civilian superiors for the war crime of intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population of Gaza.<<
Wenn man das Dokument überfliegt, kann man sehr deutlich nachlesen, dass die Richter*innen der pre-Trial-Chamber sehr bemüht waren, wirklich nur die schlimmsten, am eindeutigsten belegtesten Kriegsverbrechen als Grund für den Haftbefehl zu nutzen. Sie haben sichtlich Mühe gegeben alle Gründe auszuräumen vom Erstellen der Haftbefehle abzusehen.
Bislang ist auch nur die Zeit vom 8.10. bis Mai abgedeckt.
Das bedeutet jetzt konkret: Egal welchen Staat Netanyahu und Gallant betreten, der den Internationalen Gerichtshof ratifiziert hat, die Behörden sind dazu verpflichtet, die gesuchten Kriegsverbrecher festzunnehmen und auszuliefern.
Auch Deutschland.
Politisch ist das jetzt wirklich heikel - Waffenlieferungen (auch vergangene) an Staatschefs für die Haftbeefehle des Internationalen Gerichtshof vorliegen gilt damit quasi als Unterstützung von Kriegsverbrechen.
>>The Chamber found reasonable grounds to believe that Mr Deif, born in 1965, the highest commander of the military wing of Hamas (known as the al-Qassam Brigades) at the time of the alleged conduct, is responsible for the crimes against humanity of murder; extermination; torture; and rape and other form of sexual violence; as well as the war crimes of murder, cruel treatment, torture,; taking hostages; outrages upon personal dignity; and rape and other form of sexual violence.<<
Wie sieht es eigentlich mit der Wasserversorgung in Nord-#Gaza aus?
Schlecht. Es gibt im wesentlich nur noch eine größere Entsalzungsanlage. Die befindet sich am nördlichen Rand des Korridors, mit dem die israelische Armee den Norden von Nord-Gaza von Gaza-City abtrennt. Diese Entsalzungsentlage steht nicht mehr für die Nutzung zer Verfügung, den das israelische Militär hat dort eine Basis eingerichtet.
In nördliche Bereiche Gazas kamen nur Hilfslieferungen nach Gaza-City.
Elad Goran von Cogat wurde gefragt wieso nichts in die anderen Orte geliefert wird?
Jabalya? Sei "evakuiert" worden, und wer noch da ist hätte genug von vorigen Lieferungen.
Beit Hanoun? Beit Lahiya? Da würde es gar keine Bevölkerung mehr geben.
Macht einen ziemlich sprachlos, wie offen die eine Politik nach dem "Generals"-Plan durchziehen, die verhungern, vertreiben, verhaften und töten vorsieht.
Bei der israelischen Friedensorganisation PeaceNow gibt es einen Thread, in dem sie in wenigen Posts zusammenfassen, wass man über den 'Generals-Plan' bzw die ethnische Säuberung wissen sollte, die die israelische Armee gerade in Nord-#Gaza durchzieht:
>>This is what ethnic cleansing looks like.
And Israel, it seems, is carrying out ethnic cleansing.
>>I will stay inside my hospital until the last moment’ The Israeli army killed his son and arrested his colleagues in Kamal Adwan Hospital, but director Hussam Abu Safiya refuses to abandon his patients.<< Nord-#Gaza
Damit ist es dann auch offiziell bestätigt - beim Vorgehen der israelischen Armee in Nord-#Gaza handelt es sich um eine ethnische Säuberung, eine Annektion.
Die erklärten Mittel: Einsatz von Hunger als Waffe; schaffen von Bedingungen, die ein Überleben der Palästinenser als demografische Gruppe in Nord-Gaza unmöglich macht. (Vergl. Definition Genozid)
Kein Palästinenser soll jemals wieder dorthin zurück kehren dürfen, Laut der israelischen Armee.
»Israeli ground forces are getting closer to “the complete evacuation” of northern Gaza «
“there is no intention of allowing the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to return to their homes”.
»He added that humanitarian aid would be allowed to “regularly” enter the south of the territory but not the north, since there are “no more civilians left”.«
»Rights groups and aid agencies have alleged that despite the denials, Israel appears to be carrying out a version of the so-called “generals’ plan”, which proposes giving civilians a deadline to leave and then treating anyone who remains as a combatant.«
»Israel cut the territory in two earlier this year by creating what it calls the Netzarim corridor, separating what was once the densely populated Gaza City from the rest of the strip.«
»It is unclear how many people remain in northern Gaza; last month UN est. there were about 400,000 civilians unable or unwilling to follow Israeli evacuation orders. On Wed. soc media footage showed waves of several dozen displaced people carrying children & rucksacks & walking south through flattened areas of Gaza City. Many had not eaten in days, Huda Abu Laila told the Associated Press. “We came barefoot. We have no sandals, no clothes, nothing. We have no money. There is no food or drink,”«