Embed this noticenekobit (nekofag@rdrama.cc)'s status on Sunday, 25-Dec-2022 06:21:07 JST
nekobitjavascript isnt even bad as a concept pal its the web browsers that are really fucking bad. screenshot this post, hang it on a wall or something idk man, im genuinely correct. the web is an alright concept actually if you try not to be an elitist know-it-all faggot, but with horrible execution on the implementers part. and a group of free thinking individuals will hold up signs saying that "JS is le bad xdDDDD" but not quite, its that nobody uses JS right you fucking retard. alongside that, what people do with JS shouldn't be bad. Chromium is the only browser doing JS sanely that I know but while chunking a fuck ton of memory at it. JS is fine nowadays, browsers are just awful. hate the web, but hate the web browsers even more
Embed this noticenekobit (nekofag@rdrama.cc)'s status on Saturday, 24-Dec-2022 16:50:56 JST
nekobitunix and plan9 and bsds and even linux + their userlands are still overwhelmingly amazing to me and all they have, even X11 still holds up for its time, wayland solves its own shit too which rocks. vulkan vs opengl etc etc, emacs and vim. its such a pretty stack compared to the other soyslop messes that exist. ppl should be more appreciative and intrinsic in the software dev world instead of complaing, a lot of shit is done nicely :hapyfroth:
@alex@dave nigga read my mind, was about to post about this old comment i made where I genuinely freaked out in Mastodont's code because Gargron ? stores numbers as STRINGS for some stupid reason