Spotted a pair of new lapwing chicks this morning, and it looks like there are four(!!!!) babies crammed into the blackbird nest. The baby yellow wattlebirds were watching with interest while I photographed my baby magpie friend, who's still learning from Dad #photography#birds
Had a scary moment this afternoon. I was taking photos of the butcherbird chicks being fed when I heard the baby magpie making distressed cries from across the park. I broke into a run, and other adult magpies flew in along the same trajectory as I went. When I got to where the calls were coming from, I couldn't see the little one at first. Then I spotted it, just hanging out on a branch. Nothing visibly wrong. The adults seemed relaxed when they arrived. False alarm I guess! #photography#birds
Didn't see my baby magpie friend today - I went for a walk a bit later than usual today, and with kids and dogs in the park, many of the birds make themselves scarce. Baby butcherbirds were venturing/napping farther afield though #photograhy#birds
Other babies are out doing baby stuff too. There's a dam I can see from the end of my street that has black swans. Their cygnets are so big! #photography#birds
I thought I was going to get a video of the baby butcherbirds being fed this morning, but I think I missed it by a few seconds.
I spent all my time shooting an adult magpie this morning and only got photos of the baby as it flew away to follow its Dad into someone's yard #photography#birds
Baby butcherbirds are starting to vocalise (I hadn't heard anything from them till this morning). Tiny chirps and grunts for now. Soon they'll be blasting their exuberant calls across the park. #photography#birds
The three baby butcherbirds often sit together in a line. I've been hoping to get a nice photo, but so far, every time I'm lined up and focusing, an adult flies in, and disrupts things (breakfast is much more important than photos, though!)
My baby magpie friend has been hanging out more with their next eldest sibling, who doesn't like my company. I love seeing them together, but I hope they don't learn to be afraid of me #photography#birds
Still haven't seen more than three baby butcherbirds at once since they left the nest. I think either I'd misidentified an adult, or one didn't make it.
Baby wattlebirds are very independent now, still making baby sounds, but foraging and moving around on their own. I haven't seen an adult feed them for a while now.
Baby magpie seems to be foraging less on their own now and relying more on being fed by Dad. A surprise, since it seemed like they were being weaned weeks ago. #photography#birds
Big ups and downs today. When I went for my afternoon walk, I found one of the baby butcherbirds on the ground (no photo). I'm absolutely devastated. Rationally, I know it's life and it happens, but in my heart, I can't help but think that if I hadn't skipped my morning walk, maybe something might have been different.
A little further along, I see my baby magpie friend, practicing carolling while preening - a lovely moment that fills my heart & I feel lucky to have witnessed #photography#birds
Hung out with my little friend briefly this afternoon. I also spotted a tail poking out of the nest - I didn't think it'd been abandoned, but I like seeing them up there, knowing that they're looking after their new egg #photography#birds
I write, make, draw, play, game, and do handsome faces. I made Hive Time. Currently making Fossil Sweeper (a game about digging up fossils), Winter's Wake & Icicle (and a stack of side things).My avatar is a stylised self portrait with short messy hair, set within a hexagonal shaped slice of cheese with holes in.#nobridge should not be necessary -_-