@aral you seem to think we are having a lot more fun than we actually are. The first thing I'll be doing when I'm back in the office is calling Google and demanding an explanation.
There are so many fediverse projects that have received funding, including relatively new entrants, so perhaps it's not as systematic a problem as you might believe
@aral@EU_Commission@EDPS@noybeu They didn't fund it from the beginning because they didn't know about it, and I never said they funded it from the beginning, please stop it with the strawmen...
@aral@EU_Commission@EDPS@noybeu I don't use facebook, and very rarely log into instagram. I'm also unsure it is possible to freely consent if the alternative is paying, in particular in light of case law on this issue.
As for your views on our ability to exact change through politics, they are dangerously cynical, and incorrext.. I'd invite you to look into the excellent work EDRi and AccessNow are doing in Brussels, and the positive changes they have made to laws.
@aral@EU_Commission@EDPS so what is it you want to change about the underlying legislation (the GDPR)? Because either you are changing the law, in which case it is Commission, Council, and Parliament, Or you are applying the law, in which case it's DPO's, the EDPB and the EDPS.
As for your opinions on Parliament, they are completely flawed. Parliament should have initiative, but it not having that doesn't make it the "kids table of parliaments". Parliament's successes speak for themselves.
EU Policy Analyst for the #OpenSource Initiative. Former APA. Expert in 💻Digital, 🚄Transport, and 🧪Research Policy. #fedi22 #EU #tech #ukraine #foreignpolicy