After many walks and many chores I am at Podcast: Zero *and* Audiobook: Zero. If you read or listened to a good book recently I’d love to know, but in the meantime I’ll bask in this unfamiliar feeling.
Watched a Vision Pro review that said “You gotta cut Apple some slack…” and… what? Cut a four thousand dollar device by a three trillion dollar company some slack!?
Happy MLK! I rewatched King in the Wilderness last night. I recommend it if you haven't seen it. It's the story of Dr. King's final years, post-Civil Rights Act. Gives you a sense of the work left unfinished.
Lots of contemporaries of Dr. King are featured in the doc; some aren't with us anymore and most won't be around much longer. That makes me glad this was captured when it was because those who non-violently fought for civil rights are a precious resource.
A full-throated rebuttal against Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMRs). I always thought they should be a part of the broader green power strategy, but now not so sure.
Son: “I solved the wet bathroom floor problem” Me: How? Son: “I got all the bath mats in the house and I covered the entire floor.”
Verily, verily, I say unto thee; Your engineering department is like a child trying to clean up a wet mess, rather than just stand in the shower and drip dry for a second to prevent the mess in the first place, they solve the problem but create a new problem in the form of laundry. But it’s rationalized as okay because “we’re still doing laundry anyways”.
96.3% of the top 1,000,000 homepages have accessibility errors we can detect with automation. 96% of those errors fall into 6 easy-to-detect and easy-to-fix categories.
> Addressing just these few types of issues would significantly improve accessibility across the web
Had a good time at the Gowalla SXSW party last night. Lots of wonderful familiar faces. It made me realize how un-fun social media apps have become and how Gowalla 2.0 can really bring back those good old days of discovering your home town.