Something that bothers me about the W3C specifications is how they don't seem to limit line length at all in their CSS. This gives extremely long lines with any (normally) reasonably sized browser window, hampering readability. The last thing you want a technical spec to be is hard to read.
Gave up trying to describe whatever is happening on this account.Any content posted on legal topics is not legal advice. I am not an attorney.I hosed so this is me trying to un-mess everything.Follow: subject to a vibe check Interaction: feel free to DMs in particular: feel free to any off-fedi means of communication: by mutual agreement at your convenience and discretion (but let's be real you're too scared to reach out and ask anyway)Fair warning: I will put nearly 100 posts per day on your timeline occasionally; this happens regularly, sometimes up to weekly. If you follow, I kindly suggest that you take appropriate measures to cope with this.signify pubkey: RWQxpp0dQTgmGveGmXoKq3YrTywY+rX7T9pgWdinGdrE+FxlB84LLZGrbeing hip, modern and up to date with what the trendy kids do alt (only used if this instance goes down): @eoaiuastwg@akko.wtfavatar made by @ryuuka@fluffpri.deraving reviews:– “this is what pure evil looks like