The Xn, Yn and Zn values are for a XYZ reference scale [0, 100] However, the formula assumes an XYZ reference scale [0, 1], so the Xn, Yn and Zn values have to be divided by 100 first
I know I post a lot like it's present day, present time, but actually a lot of my posts are things in the past that I am pretending are happening right now because it sounds cooler is a number of relatively old viruses and worms which are still spreading, such as Kido/Conficker. Despite having their command-and-control servers shut down, these older worms and viruses pose two threats: one, they undermine the security of the infected systems, for instance they open network ports and change settings, and, two, they can potentially cause software crashes or denial-of-service conditions.What the fuck how is it not extinct yet
Gave up trying to describe whatever is happening on this account.Any content posted on legal topics is not legal advice. I am not an attorney.I hosed so this is me trying to un-mess everything.Follow: subject to a vibe check Interaction: feel free to DMs in particular: feel free to any off-fedi means of communication: by mutual agreement at your convenience and discretion (but let's be real you're too scared to reach out and ask anyway)Fair warning: I will put nearly 100 posts per day on your timeline occasionally; this happens regularly, sometimes up to weekly. If you follow, I kindly suggest that you take appropriate measures to cope with this.signify pubkey: RWQxpp0dQTgmGveGmXoKq3YrTywY+rX7T9pgWdinGdrE+FxlB84LLZGrbeing hip, modern and up to date with what the trendy kids do alt (only used if this instance goes down): @eoaiuastwg@akko.wtfavatar made by @ryuuka@fluffpri.deraving reviews:– “this is what pure evil looks like