Re: Trump banning trans people from the military... It's a privilege to be dismissed, rather than having to defect, from a global, imperial, colonial oppressive force, already responsible for countless human rights violations across the globe, that has now come under outright fascist control. Trump is doing trans people in the military a favor by kicking them out. It saves them from being squarely on the wrong side of history, because, yes, the US military is squarely in the wrong side of history right now just like the Wehrmacht close to a century ago when Germany came under fascist rule.
Echt mensen, als je ooit hebt gefantaseerd over wat je zo'n 100 jaar geleden gedaan zou hebben als mensen Joden lastig vielen - nu is de tijd om dat in de praktijk te brengen. Het doelwit is veranderd, dat zijn nu vooral moslims, vluchtelingen, migranten, en nonbinaire, trans en andere gendercreatieve mensen maar het principe achter de haat is niet anders dan toen.
The CIA has declassified a 1940s field manual on how to sabotage fascism. It's available for free from Project Gutenberg:
Hitman: okay, so who are my targets? Dog: well, do you know this guy called Pavlov? Hitman: rings a bell... Dog: exactly! Hitman: right... And what about this Schrödinger guy. You want him dead or alive? Cat: yes.
Very often, different European languages have words for common animals that are clearly closely related to each other... Which is why the butterfly is so mystifying:
Non-binary agender / autigender- Bisexual & demi-grey-ace- Neurospicy++- IT support tech- Freelance translator- Active for the intersectional anticapitalist anti-colonial anti-racist pro-queer pro-sexwork political party BIJ1- Vegan for the climate and the animals- Crazy Cat Person- Nijmegen, Netherlands[Header pic: BIJ1 banner with the text "new politics of economic justice and radical equality][Profile pic: Selfie. I have a grey beard and grey long hair, a septum piercing and tunnel piercings, and I'm wearing a black beret with a white pin with a red raised fist. Palestinian flag superimposed.]