Per elementari questioni di budget, finora non ho fatto donazioni a Wikipedia, preferendo per diverse ragioni Internet Archive. Quest'anno, spinto da chissà cosa (o da chissà chi), stringerò un altro po' la cinghia e ofrirò un caffè o due anche a #Wikipedia .
Le paradoxe de #Wikipedia : avoir un esprit (relativement) ouvert et être incapable de contrôler l'entrisme réactionnaire, voire facho. L'attaque frontale de Musk n'est que le énième avatar des plateformes, incapable de modérer correctement et de faire le tri parmi les admins.
@tino76H@layered Most users involved with open source for some reasons hate when people nagging them to donate, like many are outspoken about hating #Wikipedia and #InternetArchive (is in financial trouble due to legal issues) nagging them to donate. Even when #KDE added feature to do that just once a year and can be disabled, it's still controversial enough. Also most users tend to conflate between #OpenSource / #FreeSoftware (free as in freedom) with #Freeware so this does not help as well
I don't so much need an exemption for only myself. What I need is the #Wikipedia policy changed so that people who use #VPN are treated equally and allowed to edit while preserving #privacy.
Just finalized my annual donation to #Wikipedia and the #Wikimedia Foundation as they're now under major attack from the world's richest person and likely first trillionaire in history.
Whatever you think of them as a organization, it's still a major #publicservice and we need more of that than ever before.
As an instructor, you can have your classes edit #Wikipedia articles as part of their curriculum. (My classes have done this for over a decade). See Wiki Education to get involved at
No se por que dicen que #wikipedia es #woke, si eso esta bien alejado de la realidad, tan solo prueben buscar el Genocidio Palestino o algo hacerca de los oligarcas Ucranianos para darte cuenta que tiene de woke lo que yo de astronauta. 🤷♂️
In recent times, I've reduced the voluntary work I put into #Wikipedia because I have a lot to do, and also because it is wearing to see content related to equity and representation repeatedly vandalized or tediously litigated by editors with regressive views. I guess now I may reconsider.
C'est fou de voir le budget que #wikipedia utilise pour l'inclusion et en même temps de voir que les éditeurs de #wikipediafr continuent a mégenré les personnes trans sur leurs articles et à refusé de laisser le bon genre être utilisé. Comme quoi l'argent ne permet pas de corriger d'être un profond connard.
I see the "yes, but" crowd is out and about to tell you that donating to #Wikipedia is wrong, not needed as they have enough money already etc. Elon Musk is proud of you ;)
Having been a fairly active #Wikipedia editor in its early years, I loved the experience and wish it for more people.
Since those days, I need to use a #VPN to avoid omnipresent snooping on our network traffic. More and more people will need this to be safe online.
Wikipedia categorically blocks anyone like me from editing, unless we beg individually for an exemption. I understand the need to fight spammers and other malicious behaviour, but this blanket ban of VPN users forces an unfair choice between remaining safe versus editing Wikipedia. It's a bad policy that doesn't address the problem.
#SpaceKaren generando un efecto Streisand a favor de los donativos a #Wikipedia justo el día de navidad, esta versión de A Christmas Carol no me la esperaba :risitas: