I've just moved my fourth computer from #Trisquel 10 to 11! I think I have six more to go but this is enough for the evening. I'm proud to be using an operating system that aligns with my ethical beliefs. Free software is the way to go and I'm thrilled to be a part of the movement. Let's keep pushing for software freedom and ethical computing, and celebrating every victory, big or small! GOod night, Fediverse. ZZZzzz...
Thank you @rubenquidam on the release of #Trisquel 11 Aramo (including support for ARM & POWER9) *LIVE* during your talk at #LibrePlanet hosted by @fsf. As a free software person, I'm thrilled to see the progress made in this fully free operating system and the continued dedication to software freedom. Congrats to the Trisquel team on this achievement! I have just installed it on two of my computers. #SoftwwareFreedom
This #ILoveFS Day, I want to thank the Rubén Rodríguez for his work on #Trisquel, the #Inkscape devs for their work, #KDE, @fsf@fsfe@walterbender for his work on #MusicBlocks ...the list goes on and on (and obviously is incomplete). Basically, if you are working on #FreeSoftware in some capacity, then "Thank you!"
@Francehelder isso dá uma ideia de como as "outras distros #Linux / #GNULinux" mascaram o desrespeito do fabricante às liberdades essenciais do software, que deveriam ser entregues a ti, o usuário final. Eu acho que #Trisquel / #TrisquelGNU, assim como outras distros livres, fazem o correto ao não incluir as partes que não são #SoftwareLivre.
I'd like to share a little bit about my life with #freesoftware and #gnu I've been aware of the software issue for the past 15 years and at first it was easier to make sacrifices. I was lucky enough to own a Galaxy S2 so I installed @replicant on it, and for my computer I installed #trisquel GNU/Linux and I was able to just go about my life, going to Highschool and then university... but then life happened.