Here are four photos of summer in Japan, with greenery and beautiful clouds but scorching heat and some humidity, at Nagaoka Tenmangū in Kyōto Prefecture.
I've been skirting close to heatstroke by continuing to exercise outdoors daily. Usually I exercise my arms and run a little, then cool off indoors and drink a lot of water. In Japan we can eat a well-balanced diet, and I avoid junk food, so I stay slim. But exercise has all sorts of benefits, and is perhaps more important than what we eat. It's an oft-repeated but mistaken generality that we lose 10% of muscle mass every year as we get older. That doesn't add up. My muscles have gotten bigger as I exercise more, and I'll be 75 soon. There was also a sense of inevitability about weakening, but newer research shows that exercise can increase the ability of our cells to generate energy. I can confirm that as well.
I learned a character in #japanese the other day that was defined as amount; or picture frame. 🤬
I was swearing at that--how can one word have meanings that dissimilar? How can I remember that?
But then today walking in the city I passed the Latitude nightclub. I'd seen that in other cities-- it is a good name for a nightclub, in the sense of permission to bend the rules a bit.
Or a line in the map marking distance from the equator.
Oh great now they're comparing the Sino-Japanese war too. :reimu_sigh:
How about you look at how the #Japanese saw the #Chinesevery carefully and contrast that with how the Nazis saw Jews. Because you'd find it's very different.
For all the horrific crimes the Japanese did they never saw the Chinese as "inferior subhumans" that need to be fully exterminated from the earth. In the contrary, they actively sought collaboration with various Chinese factions against the Chinese United Front led by the KMT and CCP. The Japanese saw themselves as the "rightful successor to the mandate of heaven".
A lot of the deaths in that war weren't just caused by the Japanese invaders (which was horribly high enough), but by fatal mistakes of the KMT (see the Yellow River flood of 1938 for example).
Have you seen an organized group of Jews doing anything close to that sort of damage to their own people?
So how about you leave the fuck us #Asians out of your antisemitic agenda, will you? :seija_coffee:
Ah, well. The coincidence...what a somewhat "nice" pretext for an attack with tactical nuclear weapons... Last time this happened, the regional capital (#Grosny) was anihilated...
My wife used the word トリセツ to talk about our toddler. It's an abbreviation of 取扱説明書(とりあつかいせつめいしょ) or "user's manual." But can also be applied to how to handle people, such as celebs (and small children). #japanese