Just made this piece Titled “STOP WAR “ - this piece is a direct result of conflict and an appeal to the rationale of Mankind 2 End war . the company’s written surrounding the words STOP WAR are complicit and directly involved with The Indutrail Military complex and the red surrounding the letters represents the blood of those who have been killed by weapons made by company’s like #Raytheon#ibm#boeing#microsoft#microchip#lockheedmartin and more #nyc#michaelpaulinostudios#michaelpaulino
So I updated my pam module that allows #IBM#AIX to integrate with #FreeIPA to a much improved release.
If there are any people who care, could they help me fix https://www.freeipa.org/page/ConfiguringAixClients by adding information on how to actually have HBAC instead of the very poor man's example in that page?
There's also a mild to moderate cold that is being passed around the family here. We suspect that Grandson_3 brought it home from school. He's been coughing and sneezing off and on for about three weeks. Grandson_4 has been exceptionally clingy and whiny, though he has only sneezed / coughed occasionally. Grandson_5's nose has been running about the same length of time, with occasional coughing or sneezing. And I'm going through my third wave of it.
So I think that's also part of what's going on educationally.
The thing is, I need to finish these programs. In the case of DataCamp, bthall paid for a year's subscription. I want to complete as much as I can before the year ends (late December / early January). The Coursera programs are being funded by New York State;s Unemployment Insurance program, even though my benefits timed out almost a year ago. I have no assurance that they'll leave the funding open forever.
Oh, thank goodness not having a fully functional screen reader isn’t a blocker for Fedora 41. We wouldn’t want them to miss their 10th anniversary of shipping an operating system without a fully functional screen reader, after all.
heise+ | Vor 25 Jahren: Wie der Athlon die Zukunft von AMD sicherte
Mit dem Desktop-PC-Prozessor Athlon landete AMD 1999 ein Volltreffer. Der Erfolg rettete den CPU-Hersteller und bereitete den Boden für spätere Triumphe.
I think it’s important to remember that if you’re using the excuse that your software project should not be held to account for being inaccessible because it is released under a free software license what you’re really saying is that disabled people are not welcome in the free software world.
Everybody knows how IBM made the machines the original nazis used in their genocide of the Jews, but we never talk about how IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and others today makes the technology China uses in their genocide of the Uighur. Why not?