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Jeg liker spesielt godt dette avsnittet i artikkelen
"Det betyr blant annet at økonomiske hensyn ikke regnes som strengt nødvendig, noe mediebransjen har reagert på. At du trenger å spore brukerne for å få annonseinntekter, og de inntektene er nødvendige for å holde liv i nettstedet, er altså ikke godt nok."
My cousin is selling #GirlScout#Cookies. Please support her troop and empower their possibilities. Available for shipping anywhere in USA or In SE Michigan pick "girl delivery" and she will bring them to your house personally. If you'd rather make a donation please contact me directly and I can give you more information.
Watch Joana Moll's lecture performance on the ubiquity of #cookies and the advertising technology industry (#AdTech) given at the Investigating the #KillCloud conference:
Forget #Chrome—Google Starts Tracking All Your Devices In 8 Weeks
With Google’s last tracking u-turn fresh in the mind, here comes another one. Not only have #cookies won a stay of execution, it now looks like digital #fingerprint'ing is back as well. But as one regulator has pointed out, #Google itself has said that this type of #tracking “subverts user choice and is wrong” And yet here we are—wrong or not. “We think this change is irresponsible,” the regulator warns
En France, Orange se prend une petite amende de 50 millions € pour cause de forcing publicitaire sans consentement et lecture de cookies après retrait de consentement.
@cnil Name and shame! Nous sommes suffisamment nombreux comme dpo à essayer de faire respecter le rgpd dans nos entreprises et à éprouver un mal-être à ce sujet. En ne nommant ni les entreprises, ni les sanctions, vous contribuez à nous mettre des bâtons dans les roues. #Cnil#rgpd#Cookies#privacy#OnVeutDesAmendes
Sometime ago somebody shared a screenshot of a service with a cookie message along the lines of: "We take your privacy seriously" while there also was a list of 600+ vendors with whom data would be shared. Does anyone have this screenshot & the source? I think this was by Microsoft MS365?
When confronted with a cookie popup when I arrive at a website I will often promptly choose “reject all cookies” because I don’t want any more cookies and secondarily, as a pseudo rejection of being provided with ‘gifts’ that I never asked for in the first place #RandomThoughts#Cookies
Exemple PARFAIT du "si c'est gratuit, c'est toi le produit". Le refus des cookies (de tous types, et surtout évidemment les publicitaires) limite drastiquement le contenu disponible : ni replay, ni direct, uniquement "gratuit" et extraits.
Si vous voulez profiter du reste, acceptez les cookies (TOUS !!!!!), votre choix sera enregistré sur tous les appareils liés/connectés à votre compte.
New blogpost by @neil: The UK's data protection regulator has taken its (tentative) first step to enforce against non-compliant cookie practices. Sort of.
cookies … were being deployed before Visitors interacted with the [cookie management platform], with the result that Visitors’ personal data was being processed and made available to AdTech Vendors through the use of cookies and without Visitors’ knowledge or consent