McDonalds is a bad deal at any price... but yeah, inflation is getting a whole lot worse, partly caused by really poor economic dictations by the state.
"For more than 13,000 years...hundreds of...tribes 👉across...the world used small intentional burns to renew local food, medicinal and cultural resources, create habitat for animals, and reduce the risk of larger, more dangerous wild fires."👈
"Google is temporarily blocking California-based news outlets’ content for some state residents, reprising a political tactic the tech industry has repeatedly used to try to derail such bills in places like Canada and Australia that require online platforms to pay journalism outlets for articles featured on their websites."
"His agency also wants to more accurately price at-risk homes and encourage residents to better harden and protect them from #wildfires, and squelch the rapid growth of #California’s FAIR plan, which, as Lara said Thursday, has become the “first resort, not last resort” for many residents."
#HomeInsurance rates will go way up in California, and especially so for vulnerable homes. I hope they keep the equity issue in mind while crafting this policy.
"Cargo ships have gotten larger over the decades, with many easily weighing more than 100,000 tons.
.... experts say the #Baltimore collapse does not expose significant vulnerabilities in the major bridges near ports across #California, which has the two busiest in the nation: the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach, which handle about 40% of U.S. container imports from Asia"
(for more on how LA leaned into scale, see my book #OilBeach !)
The penalties come after an investigation by The Desert Sun and ProPublica found that companies were profiting from illegal spills and California’s oversight of the industry was lax.
Hi Fedi Family, In 2008 Californians voted for Prop8 that defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman in the California constitution. While this was defeated in courts this draconian Prop8 language is still in the California constitution. Justice tHomas and the right wing SCOTUS is openly hinting at destroying precedent and trampling rights. If they overturned Obergefell - the Prop8 language in the California Constitution will act as a “trigger law”, raining havoc on queer families like mine across California. Please spread the word to vote “YES” to repeal Prop8 (2008) from the California constitution in Nov 2024. Talk to your friends, family and colleagues about it.
Anti-war demonstrators broke windows and shut down a talk from a leading member of a far-Right think-tank, the Kohelet Policy Forum, which is linked to far-Right parties in Israel, the Netanyahu government and the Republican party. Event was scheduled to be held at UC Berkeley in the bay area of #California.
Sharing this not to endorse #KatiePorter (or any other candidate), but because I LOL'd at the start of the lead sentence:
"Whatever remaining cryptocurrency moguls who are not looking at prison time have coalesced around a common enemy in Senate candidate Katie Porter, as money from Ron Conway and Andreessen Horowitz just bought $2 million worth of attack ads against her."