Fox News And Newsmax Sign Letter Urging Trump To Rescind Ban On The AP
#PressFreedom #Trump #RadicalLeft #AP #NewsIndustry
Fox News And Newsmax Sign Letter Urging Trump To Rescind Ban On The AP
#PressFreedom #Trump #RadicalLeft #AP #NewsIndustry
Dictator on Day 1, 2,3,4,5….26…
“White House says it will limit Associated Press journalists’ access to the Oval Office and Air Force One, an escalation of a brooding conflict between the Trump administration and the wire service this week.” #Trump #AP
The AP says Trump blocking its reporter from Oval Office over not using Gulf of America "violates the First Amendment"
> The #AssociatedPress pushed back against the Trump administration on Tuesday after one of its reporters was blocked from an event over the news organization's guidance on its continued use of the "Gulf of Mexico" in its coverage, calling the move a violation of the First Amendment. #AP #journalism #DonaldTrump
"Today we were informed by the White House that if AP did not align its editorial standards with President Donald Trump’s executive order renaming the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America, AP would be barred from accessing an event in the Oval Office. This afternoon AP’s reporter was blocked from attending an executive order signing." #USPol #AP #journalism
Subsidiert lave strømpriser er forferdelig:
1) Fjerner incentiver til å spare/produsere mer strøm, så individer og bedrifter slutter å isolere, bygge solceller, skru ned varmen, osv. Slik øker etterspørselen uten at tilbudet øker, og vi fortsetter å brenne olje og kull (vi er et Europeisk marked) for å produsere strøm vi ikke trengte bruke, og prisene stiger
2) Penger staten skulle brukt på velferd og hjelpe fattige går til å sponse folks overforbruk, hovedsakelig de rike
Another expert report finds Israel is committing genocide. The West yawns. (Middle East Eye)
Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, and Medecins Sans Frontieres are all agreed. But the Gaza genocide is now just another routine news item, buried on the inside pages.
#israel #palestine #palestinians #gaza #WestBank #genocide #hamas #media #news #journalism #journalist #censorship #DeutscheWelle #bbc #cnn #NewYorkTimes #ap #facebook #meta #algorithm
Nidaros melder:
Disse er på topp tre for Arbeiderpartiet i Sør-Trøndelag, når man går til urnene neste høst:
1. Trond Giske
2. Anniken Refseth
3. Isak Busch
En rekke politikere trakk seg da Giske ble valgt:
Emil Raaen
Sara Shafighi
Emilie Græsli (AUF)
Håkon Einarsve (AUF)
Marit Bjørkås
Jan Haugen
Marit Liabø
Vibeke Tjern
Sandra Åberg
De bør være rimelig sikre på at dette er et godt bytte
Eller er det jeg som er helt idiot/naiv når jeg tror dette er selvskading, og egentlig er det sånn at nordmenn ønsker slike menn i tillits- og maktposisjoner?
AUF har i alle år jobba mot egne interesser når de har mobilisert store mengder ungdom til å drive valgkamp for et parti med en politikk som går totalt på tvers av store deler av de viktigste politikkområdene AUF selv har jobbet seg fram til. En rimelig absurd situasjon når de står der og krever valgår etter valgår at Ap må snu 180°, for så å drite i at de aldri gjør det og gjøre alt de kan for å hjelpe dem ødelegge sin egen framtid. Kan det nå endelig ta slutt, ihvertfall i Trøndelag? #Ap #AUF
Det er bare helt vilt hvor selvskadende #Ap er!
Jeg må nok, med til dels tungt hjerte, melde at jeg tror venstresiden trenger å lære litt av høyresiden når det kommer til å godta feil og uenigheter og "menneskelighet" hos sine egne. Nøkkelordet her er litt, men jeg tror én av mange grunner til at høyresiden gjør det godt er deres villighet til å godta hva/hvemsomhelst mens venstresida "spiser sine barn".
Litt! #Giske bør åpenbart være langt over streken!
#Israel cracks down on #Palestinian citizens who speak out against the war in #Gaza
from #AssociatedPress #AP #APNews
Updated 12:15 AM EST, November 24, 2024
[contain some good photos of Gaza solidarity demonstrations in Israel]
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel
@GottaLaff But #AP is crickets as to Musk naming thousands of federal employees he's going to fire. Checks out.
Hi @julian,
the document is a report from @evanprodromou mid 2024, not a standard and not part of #AP. And at step 4 it reads "4. Optionally:". But it proposes a solution - thanks for bearing with me. So the #rfc7033 subject: "" would be it.
Feels hacky, IMO the profile should be explicit about the handle just like the way round #webfinger is explicit about the actor id.
Thiel, Musk, Bezos und co sind u.a. aufgrund ihres Einflusses auf die Presse eine Gefahr für die Demokratie. Aber wie sieht es eigentlich mit #reuters #bloomberg #ap und co aus?
In Zeiten, in denen ein sign. Teil der Nachrichtenportale einfach nur noch Meldungen von diesen Nachrichtenagenturen multipliziert - ohne journalistische Überprüfung oder gar Eigenleistung - würde ich gerne wissen, wie diese finanziert sind und welche Agenda sie ggf. haben.
Weiß jemand von euch was dazu? Gerne boosten
#USPol #Elections2024
#Harris in #Texas #ReproductiveFreedom
*Global superstar #Beyoncé endorses #KamalaHarris for #US President*
👉I found the heart-wrenching story of the victim of #Texas' Draconian abortion laws particularly captivating.👈 It embodied the fate that might befall any American woman and girl of childbearing age, if the fascist #Donald Trump should be re-elected to office on November 5th
Via #AP
👉"It is time to sing a new song” 👈
“For all...
"This should be a five-alarm fire across all media organizations, and yet the AP headline [about Trump's onstage breakdown in Pennsylvania] read, 'Trump turned his town hall into an impromptu concert.' The write-up in The New York Times was, if possible, worse."
#Trump #JDVance #age #MentalDecline #AP #NewYorkTimes #media
"If nothing else matters—the criminality, the cruelty, the misogyny, the racism, the viciousness, the freaking fascism—than surely the steep cognitive decline of a man who is running to be the leader of the free world should matter."
#Trump #JDVance #age #MentalDecline #AP #NewYorkTimes #media
#msm #ap
See how they use Trump as the cover photo for this Russia story to imply influencers were paid to support him?
1) Most weren’t Trump supporters
2) The influencers are VICTIMS according to the DOJ
3) The ringleader receiving orders from the Russians was actively anti-Trump
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O texto é longo, mas deixei um Sumário para ir direto a parte desejada.
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#climatechange #economics #AP #permaculture #mexico
Imagine redesigning the water management for Mexico City, because that's what climate change demands. The most sobering statement from the report? It would take a decade of effort to remedy and so far no action is taking place.
Ecological infill might be part of that story, replacing hard surfaces with plant life. If it were perma-culture designed, people might also get some fresh produce out of it too.
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