The final new bot wave I've identified alarms me greatly because I'm not even sure it exists.
I've been "bot-hunting" for years - and I'm no longer sure I can spot them all now. The AI is getting really good.
It takes high-level language skills to identify them, and the apps and the sites persist in throwing more tech at the problem.
They're mostly Reply-Guy chatbots at the moment.
The problem is exacerbated by users who keep engaging with these bots, significantly blurring the lines.
It's all shits and giggles now, but I suspect these will become very high calibre trollbots - and hellishly difficult to spot. They could overwhelm a smaller site rather quickly.
Their objective, like that of most bots, is fake traffic metrics. The platforms are lying to the influencers, and the advertisers, and the investors. They're all pretending to offer "eyeballs" (that's you and me) - and the new bots are passing the Turing test.
We all laughed at the Twitter egg-avi influx, and we're still paying the price.
Clear your delusions: SkyNet is human and it's not sending the T-1000s back one at a time.