@inoru_no_hoshi I'm pretty sure it's sleep apnea because of something he said earlier this year on Bubble.
"Waking up from not being able to breathe while sleeping should be a bad thing right... ? Haha"
"But this happens once a while so I'm scared of sleeping"
"Trauma hahahaha"
"But it really is scary"
"Kinda like "oh this is dangerous" feeling"
"I'll try sleeping again now haha"
"And maybe visit the hospital when I get the chance..."
I did suggest on Bubble that it might be sleep apnea and that a sleep clinic would help. And I guess many of his other Bubble subscribers said the same (although I can't see any other subscribers' messages). But he didn't acknowledge that and I don't know if he saw any of the messages he probably received along those lines.
Anyway yeah I used to dream that I'd died, and I'd wake up screaming (and alarming my poor housemates) before I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. It sounds so familiar and it would explain his snoring and his fear of sleep.