@samhkennedy @ArenaCops @gfjacobs @Nonilex Calm rational analysis concludes that while Biden is old, his cognitive faculties seem to be operating in the 'normal' range, while Trump is clearly exibiting symptoms of chronic dementia, comorbid with obvious criminal-insanity, in the form of Malignant Narcissism.
The social psychologist Erich Fromm first coined the term "malignant narcissism" in 1964. He characterized the condition as a solipsistic form of narcissism, in which the individual takes pride in their own inherent traits rather than their achievements, and thus does not require a connection to other people or to reality. Edith Weigert (1967) saw malignant narcissism as a "regressive escape from frustration by distortion and denial of reality", while Herbert Rosenfeld (1971) described it as "a disturbing form of narcissistic personality where grandiosity is built around aggression and the destructive aspects of the self become idealized." Psychoanalyst George H. Pollock wrote in 1978: "The malignant narcissist is presented as pathologically grandiose, lacking in conscience and behavioral regulation with characteristic demonstrations of joyful cruelty and sadism". In 1983, M. Scott Peck used malignant narcissism as a way to explain evil.