mstdnoyster subscriptions
These are the people whose notices mstdnoyster listens to.
glow_in_the_dark_cia_agent Glow Boi :cia:
Just your friendly neighbourhood CIA agentMy weaknesses are locked accounts and "#nobot" in the bio
marizo まりぞう ☑
CHADYbara Chadybara :chadybara: :gigachad1:
:gigachad1: :gigachad1: :gigachad1: I am a super chadI only post Capybaras.............:cia: I GLOW IN THE DARK :cianig: JP: フォローしてくれてありがとう.... フォローしてくれてありがとう。 カピバラだけ載せます
ryo 寮
yup.Pronouns: whichever the fuck you want, I don't care about whether you see me as a dude or a bitch.Political orientation: none, free human beings don't pick a side.Religion: no dogma.Birthplace: Earth.Current location: some Buddhist temple in east Asia I guess.Race: Lamborghini.Gender: kebab.Ethnicity: drawing.Native language: the one my parents speak.Wealth: when I was 18, my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.Blood type: lemme check between my legs...nothing I guess?Tastes as: 肉まん.
makinon まきのん 🇯🇵🦕
yamako やまこ_3/25吉祥寺ZINEfes
好きなものを、マイペースに。猫とお絵かきと珈琲とおバイクが好きです。大人のハートフル百合まんが #なかよしおねえさんたち:nakayosi_mako: マコさん :nakayosi_natuko: ナツコさん猫 #キュウちゃん絵以外の投稿も多いのでご注意ください。Metatextの熊のアイコンを描きました。I love cat, coffee, motorcycle, and drawing Japanese Yuri or cute images.Japanese(native)English(using machine translation)Nakayoshi Onee-sans :nakayosi_mako: Mako :nakayosi_natuko: NatsukoI drew the icon of Mallow the bear for Metatext.she/her
nelsoncoffeeroaster Nelson Coffee Roaster ✅☕️ 🈺🙈