jun_dow subscriptions
These are the people whose notices jun_dow listens to.
luck02 Luciano Silva https://www.hyperbola.info
Meus Interesses: São Paulo Futebol Clube, Vegetariano, Comunismo, MST, Agrofloresta, Software Livre GNU, trisquel.info hyperbola.info librecmc.org replicant.us Contatos: tox 21355F789F00B92632F450A58A9874AC9E32288F94BFF183B4EE693407709B70F9895D3AF2E6 xmpp luck002@suchat.org email luck-002@riseup.net
lnxw37j1 Linux Walt (@lnxw37j1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864}
A GNU+Linux bearing nomad migrating across a Windows-centric desert. I save the world from incompetent headquarters IT folks. I invite comment and discussion, but I dislike arguing.
simsa03 simsa03 https://simsa01.wordpress.com/
A dishwasher. The other times I sit by the fire and offer them passing ghosts some coffee.
gnusocialjp ぐぬ管 (GNU social JP管理人) https://web.gnusocial.jp https://www.youtube.com/@gnusocialjp