iris subscriptions
These are the people whose notices iris listens to.
authen wormthen
hohohhoho. iam EVIL.... i am AUTHENYO.... WORMTHENYO... HOHOHOHOHO;..... i m so alt fedi... HOHOHOHOi like TWISTED fucked UP music like MERZBOW and GEROGERIGEGEGE.... AND BOREDOMS AND ANDAJNDA... .AHHAHAHAhAHAHAJHpronouns? OHOHOHOHOHHOH;;;; THEY///// ITTTT///// SHE!!!!main is you'll find a better bio there
anathema ANNA is UTOPIA!!
The "strong cold" is the earth in twilight dead with power and menace. Mercury is iron; stillness and silence reign. Bare the hand, and white bone. Stand and become numb All devices seem feeble and futile all living things in a crushing grasp,
gnusocialjp ぐぬ管 (GNU social JP管理人)