hannes subscribers
These are the people who listen to hannes's notices.
me me
Just me, posting from this brand new instance.To you who are reading this bio, thank you for stopping by, and have a nice day!
simsa03 simsa03 https://simsa01.wordpress.com/
A dishwasher. The other times I sit by the fire and offer them passing ghosts some coffee.
rio 川音리오@かわねすきー
もじだいすき|かわねすきーの鯖缶。Σημασιογραφιλία. 미 바리 어 시더런.??????黒玉之 夜去来者 巻向之 川音高之母 荒足鴨疾──巻七・一一〇一、柿本人麿歌集ゟ
forteller Børge
Han der søppel-fyren.Free software/standards and federation advocate since Identi.ca and before/beyond.Posts in Norwegian and English.Linux. Green party. Freeganism. Solarpunk. Midtermism. Ethical culture movement. Library socialism. Cooperatives. Older toots available at @forteller æt octodon.
glow_in_the_dark_cia_agent Glow Boi :cia:
Just your friendly neighbourhood CIA agentMy weaknesses are locked accounts and "#nobot" in the bio
gnusocialjp ぐぬ管 (GNU social JP管理人) https://web.gnusocial.jp https://www.youtube.com/@gnusocialjp