@Juankprada True, it require compatible ratio/resolution. I remember I succeed with xrandr on X11 to map a 1440p monitor on a 1080p Cintiq 13HD with downscaling. It was a fun test, but the fonts were small and blury, and setup wasn't that stable, many small glitch to clone with a scaling like that... I was probably in a territory of 'the feature exists, but nobody ever beta-tested it in production so it was bit rotten'.
@Juankprada Hehe, I'm still using the display tablets as mainly screen-less tablet 😆 that's the main reason (and honestly, it works well and it's a way to get large active area). That's why you can see me cloning them to my main display. 😊
@pieq Thank you! Oh yes, I had a Wacom Intuos 4 in 2011 for 399€. And this one is like as good, and more slim. It's amazing these prices.
True, the scratching of the overlay surface broke my heart 💔 But I knew it would be informative. Especially to tell user to take care to not drop USB cables and HDMI connector on their active surface. It can quickly get an impact with anything metal.
:linux: Note: Not a sponsored review, but I received the tablet for free. It's a model I selected myself on the XpPen catalog as I wanted to review budget friendly hardware this time and on the way reports the specs to the Linux devs. A big thank you to @whot !
@BluesHarp But Vivaldi is not free/libre and open source software... This is even not an option on my operating system as it is really impossible to know what Vivaldi dev are doing with your data.
@simonzerafa@protonprivacy@mozillaofficial I'm not sure how official the account you linked here is, the branding feels off and it's not really noted in the bio this is their official new account.
@Yingwu That's exactly where I found it educative to have to be personally facing this dilemma and having to choose.
Here I decided to allow fingerprinting, because mainly I really like when a blog or website switch to dark mode automatically. Without that, all website were in light theme, and it felt very difficult to me to browse the web like that now...