@LukeAlmighty lol
Last week's argument was not at all related to this, stop deflecting.
It's not up to you what can or can't be argued in a "good faith debate", especially when you dismiss a fundamental argument of the opposition which is actually agreeable by all sides.
Sex =/= Gender.
Sex is not about gender.
Those trans people arguing in "good faith" are not saying they can give birth from their penis (if they're of biological male sex).
They're saying that they are a gender that is different to their sex. They would like people to treat them as their gender. It's really quite simple.
You can agree with that or disagree, but the position is fairly rational, all thing's considered.
Again, your argument is that everyone HAS to agree with you because no trans person can "argue in good faith". Again, it's just pathetic. Like a JK Rowling Twitter rant.