> No, they're likely genetic in nature. Poor = dumber, generally.
No basis in reality for that what soever. People with low IQ generally can learn all sorts of high skilled labour jobs and make money just fine. The vast majority of the poor tend to be veterans who have severe mental health issues arrising from lack of mental health access combined with abuse expiernced during their service. Again something you wont see in countries that treat their people better and provide good vet services and mental health access.
Im not saying you should be concerned with europe. The point is societies change, and american can change in ways that would stop poor people from being an issue because it isnt a genetic problem to begin with but a societal one.
Its like sitting there punching people in the face and then when they start to flinch trying to blame genetic and then thinking if you kill off all the people that flinch then you wont have people flinching anymore.
Frankly, its a pretty idiotic viewpoint.