based on that video clip I am getting this nagging feeling that Nicole the Fediverse Chick is an actual person, and not a stock photo pasted on a scam story as I had assumed. I suppose the photos and clip can be easily mocked up on "AI" these days, but dunno. vibes are different. they feel to me too amateurish, crappy in a human way rather than hallucinatory machine-learning way.
don't get me wrong, this is still sketchy af—I'm seeing admins reporting no less than 70 alts, all sending the exact same "you call can me the Fediverse Chick :D" DMs to their entire userbase. but who is doing this, and why? if it's the type of Chinese mafia long con operation some admins have claimed—why are they targeting Fediverse users of all people? isn't it much easier and more profitable to make friends with older wealthy men on Facebook or X to blackmail them?
as my brain continues to rot I'm leaving open the possibility that Nicole the Fediverse Chick (Polish girl from Toronto) maybe an actual Polish girl from Toronto. if she's able to automate these DMs she's a techie. maybe she wants to be a federated influencer? but how does she post from so many different instances? if only I had a database of Nicole the Fediverse Chick (Polish girl from Toronto)'s accounts, we could check if they're all registration-open or not validated or something, she might have scripted something to both create accounts and mass DM everyone in a misguided attempt to become Fedi-famous? are these from the same IP, are they from Toronto, China, VPN IPs, Tor? I have so many questions, like, does she have some sort of neurodiv lack of understanding that this would make her widely hated? if she's going for reach why the lack of Nicole the Fediverse Chick #content, the abandoned chatrooms, the same identical DM over and over all we get from her? or is she doing this maliciously, as a single-person scam, waiting for gullible marks to DM her back and reel them in privately? is she a Russian honeypot to infiltrate activist networks? is she scientifically designed to look dorky in a way crusheable to lesbians of my disposition in particular? is she into Brazilian women?
even if Nicole is a real person that doesn't discount the "scam mafia" theory of course—she might just be a hired actresses to front the botnet. in which case, are they recruiting, and how much is their cut? Reader, our investigations will continue...