How to join a Matrix room:
- Click link in tusky DM
- Get redirected to browser
- End up in matrix redirection page in browser
- Select your app (official Element app)
- Let browser open link in app
- Fall in default screen of app with no connection to the room
- Paste link in search bar
- Edit it to leave only the room name
- Get no results
- Fiddle a bit around confusedly
- Click icon that looks like little squares maybe it's rooms?
- Remember spaces was a thing
- Mourn the death of the #elillastream space and the ex-gf you still associate with streaming Va-11 Hall-A
- Click icon that looks like pencil writing as if you want to compose a message rather than join a room
- Click "explore rooms"
- Paste the name of the room you saved on step #8 above
- Cross fingers
- Yay it found the room!
- "This room can't be previewed, join anyway?" yes
- Go back to the previous screen with no indication of whether you joined or not
- Click the pencil writing icon, "explore rooms", paste room name, click it again
- Now you're in the room
"elilla& if you hate that Signal is centralised and requires a SIM card why don't you suggest people to use Matrix instead"