> If that conclusion were true, it would be a lot easier for NPA candidates to achieve federal office.
Not at all, most americans arent too smart, so they easily bought into the two-party myth and tend to believe it. The two-party myth restricts their votes well within the two parties, but they generally want to see cross-aisle candidates, it was why Obama got such huge support, he was seen as a cross-party candidate and why Biden's was so weak, he was not.
They will always buy the two party myth so they will not vote for a third-party generally, but they absolutely will vote across parties and want their politicians to not be polarized to the absurd ends of either side, such as voting blindly with their party.
> When someone signs their candidacy form with a party next to their name, they're signing on to the party's platform, and voters should be able to expect them to adhere to that.
Again disagree. This signals only that they adhere to the core values of the party. Not that they need to exist on the extreme end of it and blindly follow with the most extreme and harmful policies others in their party vote for. If someone says they are a democrat they expect them to support taxes on the rich, and healthcare reform, and similar tenants, but not necessarily to vote however the majority of the party votes, in fact, I would argue they want the exact opposite, they want someone who can compromise across parties while still staying true to their parties core values.
> What I'm pissed off about is shitty politicians in swing districts betraying their own to avoid offending the moderates on the other side.
If you arent moderate in your opinions you should absolutely be out of politics... it isnt about pissing off the moderates, its about not being an extreme polarized radical person, but rather a moderate person who considers the nuance of a situation and picks rationed and logical decisions. There should not exist a single politician that is not moderate. The majority of people I would imagine tend to agree.