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- Embed this noticeI finally realised a good way to explain the whole Nigel Farage situation to foreigners especially Americans. It's turning out that Nigel Farage is the British equivalent of Ellen Degeneres, he acts like this completely normal, polite, charismatic speaker on television.
Then when the cameras are off he is an absolute primadonna to everyone around him and treats people like they're the 'help'. He's got a real rotten attitude and it looks like his backstabbing and mean girl behaviour on top of it has made him one too many enemies and even the normies have finally got fed up of him after he decided to go mean girl on Rupert Lowe because he was getting more popular.
It's quite funny because boomers don't seem to understand how the internet never forgets and he can still be recorded these days if people are determined enough to archive him KiwiFarms style and he starts sperging out enough in his social circles.