@LukeAlmighty Whoever actually thinks that's a definition of fascism is a moron. What if the past of a nation is characterized by democratic liberalism? Let's be honest here, USA had a better understanding and implementation of liberalism five decades ago than today.
Even if you assume the past version of the nation was just kinda bad, what if everyone in the country currently decides that they prefer that way of living anyway, even if freedoms were more limited, and they vote for it, and peacefully implement it, without infringing on the politics or freedom of other nations. How is that fascistic?
Fascism is about authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and fanatically implementing an ideology that demands reshaping and re-engineering society. Today's progressive movement is more fascistic than anything else the Western world can provide.
This is what bothers me about everyone's interpretation of Hitler and Nazism. These weren't bad because of racism. Racism was a by-product of what the movement was trying to do, which was to re-create society from the ground up in the Aryan image. THIS is what made Nazism evil. This sociopathic desire to remake humanity and play with it as if it was a Lego set.