@roadriverrail I don't speak for the rest of the Jellyfin team, but for me personally, I find the idea that we are in competition with other media servers or streaming services awkward/funny at a surface level and disingenuous/manipulative at a deeper level.
I do not work on Jellyfin because I want to "beat" Netflix. I do not work on Jellyfin because I want to "beat" Plex.
Those are nonsense.
I work on Jellyfin because I use it. I want it to be the best it can be. I also want it to do things it doesn't currently do.
I work on it because I find it fun.
And that's it. The day I stop having fun is the day I quit working on it.
I could not care any less about anyone's perceived competitors, user count goals, revenue goals, etc. Those are nothing but manipulation tools people use try to leverage FOSS programmers into working on what they want them to work on.