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- Embed this noticeHow terrifying the prospect of resurrection must be for the transgender individual.
On the Last Day, God is going to bring everyone back to life, in their original bodies, made such that they cannot be destroyed.
How terrifying it must be for someone who has mutilated his body to rebel against the way God created him. The man spends his entire life pretending to be a woman, only to face eternity with the truth.
If he is damned, not even hell's fire can destroy that proof between his legs. He suffers more in his mental anguish than he does by the burning.
And for those who would consider salvation, they are often given pause by the fact that, even if they are saved, these will be resurrected and live eternally *with the bodies they were born in.*
No wonder so many of them, I suspect 999 out of 1000, will have nothing to do with Christ. He threatens their gender idol.