My #ChuangAsiaS2 votes at the moment go to:
1. #HuYetao (prettiest princess)
2. #Thi_O (sunbeam, wonderful singer, makes me smile so wide)
3. #Shoya (fierce dancer who serves cunt) (the other trainees love him but he's mid-rank in the voting)
4. #Dorn (okay it took a few episodes but damn he's convinced me with the way he works the camera)
5. #Pray (mostly because he's a cutie who vaguely reminds me of pre-debut Felix) (he needs a more hashtaggable name)
6. #Aguang (successful esports gamer with no idol training but who learns fast and is naturally charming)
7. #GouYi (choreographer and excellent dancer who is overlooked by most and almost certainly won't make it past the first elimination but I keep voting for him anyway)