"Still Monster" team was disappointing in that their performance didn't seem to match the lyrics of the song. Part of it was the choreography and the somewhat insipid backing track arrangement, but a big part of it was that most of the team didn't seem to be able to embody or convey the meaning behind the lyrics.
Among the mentors, #The8's comments tend to be the most insightful and useful. Having smoke blown up your ass can be fun, but it doesn't help these boys to improve their performances.
Having said that, I hope #BamBam continues to fanboy and flirt hard with #HuYetao. I love that he openly acknowledges his bias and gets excited whenever he's in Taotao's presence. I dont think Taotao was quite expecting this but he's doing a good job of bouncing the energy back and forth with BamBam. (He's clearly used to boys being smitten with him, but perhaps not massively successful and experienced seniors??)