Kinetic Worm Dimension is based on the well-known classic game "Python" or "Snake" and is its three-dimensional expansion. The game space, also called a level, in KW is a combination of planes, specially oriented and connected to each other, due to which the worm can crawl from one plane to another, moving in three independent dimensions. The player's task is to control the worm, collecting energy charges that appear in different places of the level. By absorbing charges, the worm increases its length. At the same time, the worm should not collide with obstacles or crawl on itself, or go beyond the boundaries of the game space, where there is emptiness. After absorbing the required number of charges, a special symbol appears on the level - an exit, which allows the worm to move to the next level. The player is given a certain amount of time to complete each level. If it expires and the worm does not have time to reach the exit, it dies. If the worm does not manage to reach the charge within a certain time, the charge disappears and appears in a new place.