Tetsuya Tsutsui
A naked, confused, puffy man dies in a Sasahara street. Medics attend and police make enquires.
A lead detective and his newbie start chasing down why this man died. Forensics say it's a parasite not known to be local. Before long, an outbreak takes place and, through clever deduction and a little writer's magic, it's discovered to be the machinations of a single hurt scientist.
The art in this manga is gorgeous. Beautiful perspective, interesting action shots, great use of space and set design, and not a small amount of 'fan service' (I hate that term). The characters were a little flat, seemingly better placed in a jingoistic American war film, but the story makes up for the flaws.
CW: Gore, body horror, removal of agency, sexploitation, misogyny, child abuse, CSA, power play, on paper gun play.
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