“At ease, ensign.” Captain Kit Fontaine regarded the applicant with her best poker face. In truth she had already decided to hire this candidate.
“I want you to understand what you’re in for. I run a tight ship on the Arabella; there won’t be much time for snoozing, but every crewbeing gets an equal share of the profit.”
The applicant whispered into their vocalizer, 《I understand, Captain》
“You come highly recommended, you know. First mate Spinoza served with your father. Says she never met a fiercer fighter.”
Captain Fontaine let her poker face slip, and she smiled openly. “The job’s yours if you want it, kid. Payload Specialist Third Class, your own bunk and starting on 20% over union rate. We ship out tomorrow with a load of Barley for Old Earth and I expect that cargo to be delivered in pristine condition. What say you?”
The small black and white kitten barely suppressed an urge to preen, and answered with obvious excitement. 《Where do I sign, Cap’n, those mice won’t know what hit ‘em》